Teach Us To Pray

Every Step of The Way

Season of neediness in prayer

The “Litany of the Way, Prayer for the Journey” is a beautiful prayer that serves as a guide and companion for those embarking on life’s many journeys. Rooted in the tradition of Christian litanies, this prayer offers a series of heartfelt petitions and invocations, seeking divine guidance, protection, and strength for travelers on both physical and spiritual paths. Whether one is setting out on a literal journey, navigating the complexities of daily life, or embarking on a profound spiritual quest, the “Litany of the Way” provides a profound sense of comfort and assurance. Its rhythmic cadence and evocative language draw us into a contemplative state, fostering a deep connection with God and an enduring sense of peace and purpose. This prayer reminds us that, no matter where our journey leads, we are never alone, and the divine presence accompanies us every step of the way.

Litany of the Way, Prayer for the Journey

As Jesus sought the quiet of the desert,
teach us to pray.

As Jesus washed the feet of his disciples,
teach us to love.

As Jesus promised paradise to the thief on the cross,
teach us to hope.

As Jesus called Peter to walk to him across the water,
teach us to believe. 

As the child Jesus sat among the elders in the temple,
teach us to seek answers.

As Jesus in the garden opened his mind and heart to God’s will,
teach us to listen.

As Jesus reflected on the Law and the prophets,
teach us to learn.

As Jesus used parables to reveal the mysteries of the Kingdom,
teach us to teach.

Teach Us To Pray

Soul of Christ

Season of neediness in prayer

The “Anima Christi” is a profound prayer revered for its plea for spiritual sanctity and divine union with Christ. Originating from the 14th century, this prayer has been a cornerstone of personal piety and liturgical tradition, often recited after receiving the Eucharist. Its rich imagery and heartfelt petitions resonate deeply, inviting believers into a transformative encounter with the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Through the “Anima Christi,” faithful souls seek solace, purification, and protection, echoing a timeless longing for the redemptive grace and eternal presence of Christ in our lives. We all need a bit of this goodness!

Anima Christi

Soul of Christ, sanctify me.

Body of Christ, save me.

Blood of Christ, embolden me.

Water from the side of Christ, wash me.

Passion of Christ, strengthen me.

O good Jesus, hear me.

Within your wounds hide me.

Never permit me to be parted from you.

From the evil Enemy defend me.

At the hour of my death call me

and bid me come to you,

that with your Saints I may praise you

for age upon age.


Teach Us To Pray

Act of Love

Season of neediness in prayer

We are asked to love God with all our heart and all our strength.  Let’s lift our heart to God in an act of love today. 

O Lord God, I love you above all things and I love my neighbor for your sake because you are the highest, infinite and perfect good, worthy of all my love. In this love I intend to live and die. Amen

Teach Us To Pray

Act of Hope

Season of neediness in prayer

Where is your hope? Let’s lift our hearts to God in an act of hope today.

O Lord God, I hope by your grace for the pardon of all my sins and after life here to gain eternal happiness because you have promised it, who are infinitely powerful, faithful, kind, and merciful. In this hope I intend to live and die. Amen.

Teach Us To Pray

Act of Faith

Season of neediness in prayer

What we believe is our profession of faith. What is your act of faith?

O my God, I firmly believe that you are one God in three divine Persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. I believe that your divine Son became man and died for our sins and that he will come to judge the living and the dead. I believe these and all the truths which the Holy Catholic Church teaches because you have revealed them who are eternal truth and wisdom, who can neither deceive nor be deceived. In this faith I intend to live and die. Amen

Teach Us To Pray

Cosmic Protection 

Season of neediness in prayer

Guardians Angels are divine agents of God sent to protect and aid humans on earth in times of need. They are mentioned throughout the Bible, coming to the support of God’s people. In the Catechism of the Catholic Church, guardian angels receive just a short paragraph of explanation: “From infancy to death human life is surrounded by their (guardian angels’) watchful care and intercession. ‘Beside each believer stands an angel as protector and shepherd leading him to life.’ Already here on earth the Christian life shares by faith in the blessed company of angels and men united in God.”

Another important teaching about angels is that they are engaged in a great cosmic war – the heavenly angels versus the fallen angels, also known as demons.

Revelation 12 in particular, and other Church documents state that humans sort of enter into this war that’s been raging between the demons and the holy angels.  Let’s express our gratitude and remember our need for these allies that help draw us to what’s good.

My Guardian Angel Prayer

Angel of God, my guardian dear,
to whom God’s love commits me here,
ever this day be at my side,
to light and guard, to rule and guide.


Teach Us To Pray

Understanding What’s Right

Season of neediness in prayer

We are given a new commandment to love one another as Jesus loves us. This pushes us to a deeper understanding of righteousness. The commandment not to kill is important, yes, but we need to understand that physical death is not the only issue. Anger and insults can disconnect us from the community and lead to spiritual death so we are called to reconcile with those around us. Who do you need to reconcile with today?

Loving God, you call us to root out violence from our hearts and our lives. Help us turn away from all that harms, that we may live abundantly through Christ our Lord, Amen

Teach Us To Pray

Peace Before Joy

Season of neediness in prayer

I’m always amazed how God works through others to touch my heart. My children, especially in their gifts and cards, hit some home runs that strengthen my soul.  

My son and his wife gave me a prayer candle that I use during my morning holy hour. The scent is rosemary and lavender, crisp freshness and green earth, opposites combined, to evoke the bringing together of all things – unity, rest, and ultimately God’s peace. Inscribed on the ceramic vessel is “Those who plan peace have joy.”  This reminds me of the value of living with intention.  As the candle provided its final flame, I cleaned out the wax and use the vessel now as my toothbrush holder. I need this daily reminder to make a plan for peace, peace always precedes joy.

Lord, help me accept your promise of peace throughout my entire being. Let me see the world through your eyes overshadowing me with trust and peace, allowing my heart to leap with joy. Amen

Teach Us To Pray

Prayer for Guidance

Season of neediness in prayer

Lord Jesus, may everything I do begin with You,

continue with Your help,

and be done under Your guidance.

May my sharing in the Mass free me from my sins,

and make me worthy of Your healing.

May I grow in Your Love and Your service,

and become a pleasing offering to You;

and with You to Your Father.

May the mystery I celebrate help me

to reach eternal life with you.


Teach Us To Pray

Dying to Self

Season of neediness in prayer

Jesus raised the bar on religious observance and sacrificing a sheep or a goat wasn’t enough anymore. Christ wants us to give of ourselves and this can leave us uneasy. The Old Testament sacrifices were giving way to the New Testament sacrifice―the very sacrifice of self. That’s what Jesus wanted; that’s what Jesus himself gave. He gave himself up to a cross to confound our self-love and tendency to live from our ego.

Does this type of sacrifice scare you? Are you scared of what God demands? Does it scare you to die to yourself, your whims and what you want to do? What is Jesus asking of you that makes you uneasy? 

As we celebrate our Father’s today, let’s celebrate the gift of their sacrifice – their sacrifice of self for the love of family, God and the community. And thank you St. Joseph, for your love and sacrifice for our Lord and being his earthly adopted father.

Lord, you know it’s costly for me to let go of my own way of thinking, to give of my time. Help me realize that this may be the more perfect offering that you seek from me.