Teach Us To Pray


Season of neediness in prayer

The older I get the more I appreciate simplicity.  Perhaps I’m tired of the clutter in my life that distracts me from what is important. I find it just takes too much energy to maintain my focus on eternal things given the noise and divisiveness in the world. But then again a weakness I have is the distraction of busyness while God is inviting me to be still.  

Thank God I don’t have to do this life alone. The Spirit is here to help me on my journey, my job is to live with intention and in awareness. One powerful and practical way to do this is by saying the Jesus prayer: “Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner,”  I can say this over and over and over all day long, and it is a constant return of my focus to what’s most important, the present awareness of love. Letting me rest in the simplicity of love. 

Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner. Amen

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