Teach Us To Pray

Seeing Clearly

Season of neediness in prayer

In the western world, it is engrained to be independent.  But to live fully we need community and connection.  Perhaps this independent mindset feeds our struggle with loneliness and anxiety.

I need others in order to really see and know myself. Otherwise, I will listen to my own arguments, believe my own lies, and buy into my own delusions. If I am going to see myself clearly, I need others to hold the mirror of God’s Word in front of me.

As Christians who still have pockets of spiritual blindness, we need two character qualities:

First, we need the loving courage of honesty. We need to love others more than we love ourselves, and so, with humble, patient love, help them to see what they need to see.  Second, we need the thankful humility of approachability. We need to forsake defensiveness, be thankful that God has surrounded us with help, and be ready to receive it—every day!

I need to wake up in the morning and say, “God, I am a person in desperate need of help. Please send helpers my way and give me the humility to receive the help you have provided. Lord, make me willing to help someone see themselves as you see them today.”

We need to live in humble, honest, intrusive, and intentional community with one another, where personal ministry that goes both ways is part of our daily culture.

God, would you send helpers my way and give me the humility to receive the help you have provided? And Lord, would you make me willing to help someone see themselves as you see them today? In your name, amen.

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