
The Blessing of Kindness

Reflections for contemplative living

When all else fails, “courtesy prevails” is a time-honored saying. And our daily experiences bear witness to its truth. It’s not a major decision to choose kindness in our actions, and there’s certainly nothing very difficult about being present to another in conversation. And yet, the frequency with which so many of us dishonor people by our rudeness, interruptions, and mean-spiritedness would suggest courtesy is indeed very elusive and difficult.

Our self-centeredness prevents our courteousness. We are often so concerned with how others are supposed to treat us, that we deprive ourselves of the joy of simply offering someone unexpected kindness.

How fortunate we are that God doesn’t hold back comfort until we meet certain standards. And how fortunate it is that we can discover the rich rewards of acting according to God’s will by the smallest acts of kindness toward the people around us.

Will you bless your soul with kindness today?

Lord, thank you for letting my courtesy prevail today.

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