Teach Us To Pray

Soul of Christ

Season of neediness in prayer

The “Anima Christi” is a profound prayer revered for its plea for spiritual sanctity and divine union with Christ. Originating from the 14th century, this prayer has been a cornerstone of personal piety and liturgical tradition, often recited after receiving the Eucharist. Its rich imagery and heartfelt petitions resonate deeply, inviting believers into a transformative encounter with the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Through the “Anima Christi,” faithful souls seek solace, purification, and protection, echoing a timeless longing for the redemptive grace and eternal presence of Christ in our lives. We all need a bit of this goodness!

Anima Christi

Soul of Christ, sanctify me.

Body of Christ, save me.

Blood of Christ, embolden me.

Water from the side of Christ, wash me.

Passion of Christ, strengthen me.

O good Jesus, hear me.

Within your wounds hide me.

Never permit me to be parted from you.

From the evil Enemy defend me.

At the hour of my death call me

and bid me come to you,

that with your Saints I may praise you

for age upon age.


2 thoughts on “Soul of Christ”

  1. Hey there Cynthia! Hope all is well with you. Every day I enjoy reading your posts. Most times, i try to “like” them. Recently, I am not able. The system asks me to log into WordPress, then it wants to send me a link, which never comes. I don’t understand why it became difficult to do so, today, it was not possible, although I “liked” it very much. Is this a system issue or something that is originating on my end? …just thought you would like to know. Please pass on any help of which you may be aware. Thanks, Nina.


    1. Thank you Nina. I’m glad the Spirit speaks to you through these posts. I’m not sure what is going on with WordPress and why it’s giving you issues. I can ask them for advice…have you checked your junk/spam folder? Hope all is well and you are enjoying the sand in your toes!


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