
A Spirit That Moves Us

Reflections for contemplative living

We recently celebrated Pentecost, one of my favorite events in the Church. 

Pentecost stands second only to the Resurrection among the incredible events that give life to the Christian church. In fact, Pentecost can be viewed as the resurrection of the followers of Jesus. 

The Spirit gives us life and moves us to do God’s work and bear the fruits of the Spirit. We cannot see the Spirit, but we can experience the work of the Spirit. The Spirit lives in us and inspires us when we are frightened, disheartened, and confused, places where we often find ourselves. Pentecost fulfills Jesus’ promise and the Old Testament prophecies (Acts 2:1–13). 

The Spirit will move the people to do God’s work. 

Lord, light a fire in the heart of Your people and move us to do Your work.

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