Our mission is to help bring souls alive, inspire hope and guide hearts to see goodness.

We are a curious community that is smitten with God’s goodness

Shining a light on truth, learning to love and to be His light


By learning to be we broaden our perspective, lift the veil of self, and create the environment to tap into the divine within us. We learn to be still and know God and create the space to feel His presence in our day to day life. We discover the truth that we are all of one creation.


Being His is understanding the truth about who we are, why we were created, and our mission during this life on earth. We stand firm in our deepest identity in the image and likeness of God. Living as beloved sons and daughters, not stuck in our brokenness. We live in truth.


God is counting on us to be His Light and current day advocates. Our lives can bring the message of hope to others. We give away the gifts we have been given to others, participating in grace. We are created for a unique purpose and bring that to our world.

“Let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think”

Romans 12:2

Latest from the Goodness Blog

Mothers Day

Heavenly Father, I lift up to you today my mothers and all mothers. Bless them with strength to continue to care for their children, with the same bold, selflessness Mary showed Jesus. Help my mother and all mothers feel our gratitude and truly know their impact. May we honor them today and on all days…

Whiter Than Snow

We all need to surrender and trust God. We learn to trust God beyond our psychological experiences. We become more courageous in facing, and letting go of the dark corners of ourselves and begin to participate, actively in dismantling all our pre-rational emotional crutches. We cannot escape from the world that is inside us, but…

Broken and Beautiful

We are all broken, that’s how the light gets in. Even so we can live with lightness and joy as this is God‘s promise if you ask God to lift the heaviness and fill you with light today. Lord, create in me, a clean heart, oh God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Amen


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